Hier einmal eine "kleine" Übersicht über die vom Raspberry Pi Imager angebotene Auswahl an Betriebssystemen.
Zu Beginn fragt der Imager ja den Typ des Raspberry Pi ab, für den die SD-Karte erstellt werden soll. Daraus ermittelt er die möglichen Betriebssysteme (-Versionen) und auch das empfohlene Betriebssystem. Dazu verwendet er die unten aufgelisteten "Etiketten" (tags).
Diese Liste habe ich aus der aktuellen JSON-Datei ermittelt, die der Imager intern nutzt.
# Geräte und deren Etiketten
Raspberry Pi 1 ['pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi 2 ['pi2-32bit']
Raspberry Pi 3 ['pi3-64bit', 'pi3-32bit']
Raspberry Pi 4 ['pi4-64bit', 'pi4-32bit']
Raspberry Pi 5 ['pi5-64bit', 'pi5-32bit']
Raspberry Pi Zero ['pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W ['pi3-64bit', 'pi3-32bit']
# OS-Auswahl und die dazugehörigen Geräte-Etiketten
(das erste Auftreten eines Etiketts kennzeichnet das Default-Betriebssystem für dieses Gerät)
Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-bit) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (other) -- Other Raspberry Pi OS based images
Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Raspberry Pi OS Full (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi OS Full (32-bit) ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-bit) Lite ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-bit) Full ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 64-bit) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 64-bit) Lite ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 64-bit) Full ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Other general-purpose OS -- Other general-purpose operating systems
Ubuntu -- Choose from Ubuntu Desktop, Server, and Core images
Ubuntu Desktop 24.10 (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
Ubuntu Server 24.10 (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Ubuntu Desktop 24.04.1 LTS (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
Ubuntu Server 24.04.1 LTS (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit) ['pi4-64bit']
Ubuntu Server 22.04.5 LTS (32-bit) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
Ubuntu Server 22.04.5 LTS (64-bit) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS (32-bit) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS (64-bit) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Ubuntu Core 20 (32-bit) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
Ubuntu Core 20 (64-bit) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Ubuntu Core 22 (32-bit) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
Ubuntu Core 22 (64-bit) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Ubuntu Core 24 (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis -- Debian-based distribution aimed at embedded systems
Apertis -- Apertis stable images for Raspberry Pi 3/4
Apertis v2024 headless image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2024 OSTree headless image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2024 graphical image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2024 OSTree graphical image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis (development release) -- Apertis development images for Raspberry Pi 3/4
Apertis v2026dev0 headless image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2026dev0 OSTree headless image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2026dev0 graphical image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2026dev0 OSTree graphical image ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis (daily build) -- Apertis development images for Raspberry Pi 3/4 (daily build)
Apertis v2026dev1 20250201.0019 headless image (daily build) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2026dev1 20250201.0019 OSTree headless image (daily build) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2026dev1 20250201.0019 graphical image (daily build) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Apertis v2026dev1 20250201.0019 OSTree graphical image (daily build) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
RISC OS Pi -- A fast and easily customised operating system for ARM devices
RISC OS (5.30) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Ultramarine Linux -- Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to stay out of your way and be easy to use. All editions come with several tweaks preapplied to make initial setup and daily usage seamless.
Ultramarine Linux Flagship Edition ['pi4-64bit']
Ultramarine Linux KDE Edition ['pi4-64bit']
Ultramarine Linux GNOME Edition ['pi4-64bit']
Ultramarine Linux Xfce Edition ['pi4-64bit']
Ultramarine Linux Base ['pi4-64bit']
Alpine Linux -- A security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox
Alpine Linux 3.21.2 (32bit) ['pi1-32bit']
Alpine Linux 3.21.2 (32bit) ['pi2-32bit', 'pi3-32bit']
Alpine Linux 3.21.2 (64bit) ['pi3-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi5-64bit']
Media player OS -- Media player operating systems
LibreELEC -- A Kodi Entertainment Center distribution
LibreELEC (RPi5) ['pi5-64bit']
LibreELEC (RPi4) ['pi4-64bit']
LibreELEC (RPi2/RPi3) ['pi2-32bit', 'pi3-32bit']
OSMC -- A fast and feature filled open source media center
OSMC (Pi 2/3) ['pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
OSMC (Pi 4 / Pi 400) ['pi4-32bit']
Volumio -- The Audiophile Music Player and Streamer
Volumio ['pi5-64bit', 'pi5-32bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-64bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi3-64bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
moOde audio player -- Audiophile music streamer for the Raspberry Pi
moOde audio player 9.2.3 (64-bit Bookworm) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
moOde audio player 8.3.9 (32-bit Bullseye) ['pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
piCorePlayer -- A complete audio system for the Raspberry Pi
piCorePlayer 10.0.0 - 32bit ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
piCorePlayer 10.0.0 - 64bit ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Emulation and game OS -- Emulators for running retro-computing platforms
RetroPie -- Turn your Raspberry Pi into a retro-gaming machine
RetroPie 4.8 (RPI 1/Zero) []
RetroPie 4.8 (RPI 2/3/Zero 2 W) []
RetroPie 4.8 (RPI 4/400) []
Recalbox -- The retro-gaming OS supporting 100+ gaming systems!
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi 5 ['pi5-64bit']
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi 4 / 400 / CM4 / GPiCase2 / PiBoyDMG ['pi4-64bit']
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi 3 ['pi3-32bit']
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi Zero 2 / GPiCase2W ['pi3-32bit']
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi Zero 2 + GPiCase1 ['pi3-32bit']
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi 2 ['pi2-32bit']
Recalbox - Raspberry Pi Zero / 1 / GPiCase1 ['pi1-32bit']
Other specific-purpose OS -- Home automation, 3D printing and specialised operating systems
3D printing -- 3D printer operating systems
OctoPi -- A Raspberry Pi distribution for 3D printers. Ships OctoPrint out-of-the-box.
OctoPi (stable) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
OctoPi (new camera stack) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
OctoKlipperPi -- Includes the OctoPrint host software for 3d printers and Klipper 3D printer firmware service
OctoPi-Klipper (stable) []
Mainsail OS -- Klipper Firmware & Moonraker API and Mainsail UI - ready to print!
Mainsail OS 1.3.2 - Orange Pi 3 LTS (64-bit) ['orangepi3lts-64bit']
Mainsail OS 1.3.2 - Orange Pi 4 LTS (64-bit) ['orangepi4lts-64bit']
Mainsail OS 1.3.2 - Orange Pi Zero2 (64-bit) ['orangepizero2-64bit']
Mainsail OS 1.3.2 - Raspberry Pi (32-bit) ['pi1-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
Mainsail OS 1.3.2 - Raspberry Pi (64-bit) ['pi3-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
SimplyPrint - 3D print anywhere, smarter -- Effortlessly manage 1, 2 or 100 3D printers from anywhere with the SimplyPrint ecosystem - free and easy to set up (SimplyPrint plugin on top of OctoPrint)
SimplyPrint OS (OctoPrint-based, for Marlin) []
SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client OS (Raspberry Pi 3) ['pi3-32bit']
SimplyPrint Bambu Lab Client OS (Raspberry Pi 4 & 5) ['pi3-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi5-64bit']
Repetier-Server -- Out-of-the-box multiple 3d printer management solution for Raspberry Pi.
Repetier-Server 1.4.18 / Image V38 ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Repetier-Server 1.4.15 / Image V36 ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
PrintWatch OS -- Monitor your 3D Printers using AI for free.
PrintWatch (latest) []
DuetPi -- Raspberry Pi OS with software for Duet3D controllers.
DuetPi (64-bit) []
DuetPi (32-bit) []
DuetPi Lite (64-bit) []
DuetPi Lite (32-bit) []
Home assistants and home automation -- Home assistant and home automation operating systems
Home Assistant -- Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Home Assistant OS 14.2 (RPi 5) ['pi5-64bit']
Home Assistant OS 14.2 (RPi 4/400) ['pi4-64bit']
Home Assistant OS 14.2 (RPi 3) ['pi3-64bit']
Home Assistant OS 14.2 (Yellow) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi5-64bit']
Home Assistant OS Installer for Yellow ['pi4-64bit']
RaspberryMatic -- Lightweight Linux OS for running a HomeMatic/homematicIP IoT central.
RaspberryMatic (Pi 5) ['pi5-64bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi 4, Pi 400) ['pi4-64bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi 3, Pi Zero 2, ELV-Charly, CCU3) ['pi3-64bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi 2) ['pi2-32bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi Zero, Pi 1) ['pi1-32bit']
RaspberryMatic Nightly Snapshots -- Nightly Snapshot builds (untested, bleeding edge)
RaspberryMatic (Pi 5) ['pi5-64bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi 4, Pi 400) ['pi4-64bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi 3, Pi Zero 2, ELV-Charly, CCU3) ['pi3-64bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi 2) ['pi2-32bit']
RaspberryMatic (Pi Zero, Pi 1) ['pi1-32bit']
nymea -- Smart Home/IoT platform, easy to use, open-source and privacy-focused.
nymea:core image ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
nymea:kiosk image ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Gladys Assistant -- A privacy-first, open-source home assistant that runs on the Raspberry Pi.
Gladys Assistant (64-bit, for Rpi 3 & 4) []
openHAB -- A vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home.
openHABian (64 bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
openHABian (32 bit) ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Homebridge -- Turn your Raspberry PI into a HomeKit smart home bridge.
Homebridge bookworm (32bit) ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Homebridge bookworm (64bit) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Kali Linux -- Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.
Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4 and 400 (32-bit) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit']
Raspberry Pi 2 (v1.2), 3, 4 and 400 (64-bit) ['pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit', 'pi2-64bit']
Raspberry Pi 5 (64-bit) ['pi5-64bit']
Raspberry Pi 1 (Original) ['pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W ['pi3-32bit']
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (Pi-Tail) ['pi3-32bit']
Raspberry Pi Zero W ['pi1-32bit']
Raspberry Pi Zero W (Pi-Tail) ['pi1-32bit']
FullPageOS -- Display a full page browser on boot in kiosk mode
FullpageOS (Stable) ['pi1-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi3-64bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi5-32bit', 'pi5-64bit']
FullpageOS (Nightly) ['pi1-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi3-64bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi5-32bit', 'pi5-64bit']
FullpageOS (Nightly) ['pi1-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi3-64bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi5-32bit', 'pi5-64bit']
MoodleBox -- MoodleBox is an open source distribution combining a wireless access point with a full featured Moodle server.
MoodleBox v4.8.0 ['pi3-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi5-64bit']
Falcon Player (FPP) -- Falcon Player (FPP) is an appliance used for managing and controlling animated light shows
FPP v8.4.1 Pi ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
FPP v7.5 Pi ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
FPP v8.4.1 BBB ['pi1-32bit']
FPP v7.5 BBB ['pi1-32bit']
DAKboard -- DAKboard is a customizable display for photos, calendar, news, weather and so much more! DAKboard makes it easy to get organized so you won’t miss a thing.
DAKboard OS ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit']
VEX Tournament Manager -- VEX Tournament Manager is a set of programs and displays for hosting and controlling VEX Robotics Competition events.
Tournament Manager Display OS (2024/2025 Season) ['pi5-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit']
Anthias -- The world's most popular open source digital signage solution. Turn any TV into a powerful digital sign.
Anthias (pi1) []
Anthias (pi2) []
Anthias (pi3) []
Anthias (pi4) []
FreedomBox -- A home server for privacy and data ownership (a Debian project).
FreedomBox - Testing (for Raspberry Pi 3/4) ['pi3-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
FreedomBox - Stable (for Raspberry Pi 3/4) ['pi3-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
LoLaOS -- Debian Based Remote Desktop OS for Gaming
LoLa OS 1 ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Web3 Pi -- Web3 Pi is an open-source project that enables users to easily set up a Full Ethereum Node using Raspberry Pi, offering automated configuration and monitoring capabilities.
Web3 Pi v0.7.5 - 64bit ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit']
Freemium and paid-for OS -- Freemium and paid-for digital signage, 3d printing and thin client operating systems
Digital signage OS -- Digital signage operating systems
info-beamer digital signage -- Turn your Raspberry Pi into a professional digital signage display or video wall
info-beamer OS ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
info-beamer OS (testing) ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
XOGO Digital Signage -- Transform Your RPi into a Digital Sign
XOGO Signage []
Yodeck Digital Signage -- The Digital Signage platform built for the Raspberry Pi. Free and unlimited for a single screen.
Yodeck Digital Signage Player ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
1Play Digital Signage -- Player for 1Play Digital Signage service
1Play Digital Signage (Pi1, Pi2, Pi3, Pi4) ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
Screenly Digital Signage -- The digital signage platform focused on security, reliability, and flexibility.
Screenly Player (RPi 3B/3B+) ['pi3-32bit']
Screenly Player (RPi 4) ['pi4-64bit']
Linutop OS -- Digital Signage and Kiosk for the Raspberry Pi. Free Demo version
Linutop Digital Signage Player ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
3D printing -- 3D printer operating systems
3DPrinterOS -- Allows you to manage your 3D printers fleet from anywhere
3DPrinterOS ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-64bit', 'pi3-64bit']
Android by emteria -- Android OS for your Raspberry Pi
Android 15 (RPi 5) - SD Card Only ['pi5-64bit']
Android 14 (RPi 5) - SD Card Only ['pi5-64bit']
Android 14 (RPi 4B, CM4, 400) - SD Card Only ['pi4-64bit']
Android 13 (RPi 4B, CM4, 400) - SD Card Only ['pi4-64bit']
TLXOS -- Debian-based thin client and digital signage OS
TLXOS RPi 5.2.2 (latest) ['pi3-32bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi5-32bit']
TLXOS RPi 5.0.2 (LTS) ['pi2-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi4-32bit']
TLXOS RPi IoT 5.0.2 (LTS) ['pi1-32bit']
Misc utility images -- Bootloader EEPROM configuration, etc.
Bootloader (Pi 5 family) -- Restore the factory default settings and change boot priority
SD Card Boot ['pi5-64bit']
NVMe/USB Boot ['pi5-64bit']
Network Boot ['pi5-64bit']
Bootloader (Pi 4 family) -- Restore the factory default settings and change boot priority
SD Card Boot ['pi4-64bit', 'pi4-32bit']
USB Boot ['pi4-64bit', 'pi4-32bit']
Network Boot ['pi4-64bit', 'pi4-32bit']
PINN -- A multi-boot OS installer with OS admin features
PINN ['pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
PINN ['pi5-64bit', 'pi4-32bit', 'pi3-32bit', 'pi2-32bit', 'pi1-32bit']
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