Hallo Veloci,
habe ein Tontec 3,5 Zoll Touch-Display. Läuft undter "Jessie" auch problemslos.
Nach vielem "Rumfrickeln" mit dem Tron-Radio, bin ich jetzt zumindest mal so weit gekommen:
pi@raspberrypi ~/newtron-v2 $ sudo ./newtron-radio.py
trying fbcon
Driver: fbcon failed.
trying svgalib
Driver: svgalib failed.
trying directfb
commandline read: python2.7
commandline read: ./newtron-radio.py
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.2.10 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(c) 2001-2008 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community
(c) 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH
(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2014-11-01 05:58)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'VT Switcher' (-1) [CRITICAL OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <838860 8>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Keyboard Input' (-1) [INPUT OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <838860 8>...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (directfb.org)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'PS/2 Input' (-1) [INPUT OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>.. .
(*) DirectFB/Input: IMPS/2 Mouse 1.0 (directfb.org)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Linux Input' (-1) [INPUT OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>. ..
(*) DirectFB/Input: Logitech USB Receiver (1) 0.1 (directfb.org)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Linux Input' (-1) [INPUT OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>. ..
(*) DirectFB/Input: Logitech USB Receiver (2) 0.1 (directfb.org)
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Generic Software Rasterizer 0.6 (directfb.org)
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (directfb.org)
(*) FBDev/Surface: Allocated 640x480 16 bit LUT8 buffer (index 0) at offset 0 an d pitch 1312.
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 640x480 LUT8
(*) FBDev/Mode: Switched to 640x480 (virtual 640x480) at 8 bit (LUT8), pitch 640
(!) [ 1098: 0.000] --> Caught signal 11 (at 0x7333b000, invalid permissions) <--
(!!!) *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Region Pool'] *** [../../../lib/fus ion/object.c:241 in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
(!!!) *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Context Pool'] *** [../../../lib/fu sion/object.c:241 in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
(!) DirectFB/core/vt: Unable to disallocate VT!
--> Device or resource busy
Da ich im Thema Programmierung, etc. ein absoluter Anfänger bin und den Raspi Pi 2 / Model B auch erst seit einer Woche habe wollte ich Dich um Hilfe bitten, was ich falsch mache.
Grüße vom Knarrenbert