Hello, to take up the issue only got the days get a run without problems =) http://www.ebay.de/itm/1510741496…984.m1439.l2649 Shipping is a clear disadvantage, the package was after a few days in Germany it is but then got stuck in customs unfortunately for 3 weeks and had to be Picked've € 11 tax paid subsequently! Thus about 70 € which is still OK! Did 12V power supply to the input (Although I've read that it should go with 5 also, more info about this would be great) The touch screen is connected via USB and also when he recognized in the Pi! However, it is a compile of the kernel necessary! (But are good tutorials)
ich habe mir bei der Firma "http://www.sainstore.de/" ein "7" Touch Screen Display + Driver Board" for 58.99 euros including postage bestellt.
Kennt jemand diese Firma und hat evtl. Erfahrungen damit?
Laut Google soll die Firma OK sein, aber vermutlich müssen die Geräte erst aus China bestellt werden, oder
warum dauert das so lange?